The 2021 New England Symposium on Railroad Infrastructure was planned by the following:
-Ramesh B. Malla, Ph.D. , F. ASCE, F. EMI, A.F. AIAA, F. ASNEngr, M. CASE, Professor, Structural Engineering & Applied Mechanics, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut
-James Bryce, Program Manager, Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center
-Moochul Shin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western New England University
-Dale Peabody, P.E., Director, Research & Innovation, Maine DOT
-Amanda Collamore, TIDC Program Coordinator, Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center
-Meghan Collins, Communications Manager, Advanced Structures and Composites Center, University of Maine
-Tracy Bantegui, Communications Specialist, Advanced Structures and Composites Center, University of Maine
-Gavin Wasson, Administrative Specialist, Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center
If you have any questions please feel free to contact TIDC at