Mario Pineda
Territory Manager
Polytec, Inc.
Mario Pineda Bio
Mario Pineda has worked for Polytec, Inc. for over 30 years. He has served in a variety of positions. His experience includes applying Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV) techniques for health and strength monitoring of civil structures, bio-medical applications like, hearing, communication, and development of ultrasonic sensors and transducers, MEMS dynamic characterization, and modal testing for aerospace and automotive related testing. He has collaborated with many university faculty members in many publications. He holds an MS in Physics from Utah State University.
Laser Doppler Vibrometry for Health and Strength Monitoring of Civil Structures
Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV) is a non-contact, remote sensing technology with mature methods for dynamic testing going back over 27 years. In the past it has been applied for a variety of applications including structural and civil engineering testing. As of late, new developments in the field introduced by Polytec called, multi-path, multi-detector sensing or QTec, are allowing longer stand-off distances and improved optical sensitivity, which are ideal requirements for testing large structures like bridges and alike. By applying this patented new technology to health and strength monitoring of civil structures we expect to add advantages to traditional sensing methods reducing instrumenting and testing times and increasing the number nodal point for those structures.