Nathan Moulton
Director, Office of Freight and Passenger Services
Nathan Moulton Bio
February 2017 to present, Director, Office of Freight and Passenger Services (OFPS) MaineDOT. The OFPS forms policy, programs, and projects that improve Maine’s transportation network as a cohesive system. September 2003 to February 2017, Director, Rail Program, MaineDOT. He works with businesses throughout the state on transportation issues, and promotes rail use throughout the state.
From June 1999 to September 2003, Deputy Director, Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA). Management of $62M passenger rail rehab project for Downeaster Service, oversight of Downeaster startup and operations. B.S. in Business Administration, University of Maine 1987.
Modernizing Maine’s Rail System
Discussion of improvements that have been made to Maine’s rail system and planning for future improvements, practices, and partners to keep the rail system competitive for Maine people and business.