TIDC Webinar Series – April 23rd, 2025
Processed Glass Aggregate
as Sand Borrow
Held Virtually on April 23rd, 2025
In this TIDC Webinar, learn how recycled materials, including glass, plastic, and paper, can be repurposed for transportation infrastructure projects as sand borrow—a limited resource.
TIDC-funded researchers from the University of Vermont, in collaboration with the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VTANR), and the Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) have evaluated Processed Glass Aggregate (PGA) for use in “sand borrow,” a sand-like material most commonly used as a subbase under pavements.
Sources of material widely used for sand borrow are diminishing, but PGA, derived from recycled glass, is being proven to be a compatible substitution for sand borrow. The overarching goal of this project was to catalyze the use of PGA as a substitute for increasingly scarce sand borrow material in transportation projects in Vermont, New England, and beyond.
Join Presenters: Drs Mandar Dewoolkar and Matthew Scarborough of the University of Vermont as they present on this research, its conclusions, and the next steps for more widespread use and adoption. Specifically, they will present the new methodologies they have devised to determine deleterious material content in PGA, assessment of allowable limits of deleterious material content in PGA, and economic and environmental assessment of using PGA in Vermont as a case study. The University of Vermont researchers will be joined by guest presenter Nick Van Den Berg of the Vermont Agency of Transportation for an introduction and Audience Q&A session.

Webinar Participants

Dr. Mandar Dewoolkar
Acting Dean, College of Engineering & Mathematical Sciences; Chair and Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Vermont

Dr. Mathew Scarborough
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Vermont

Nick Van Den Berg
Materials Manager
Vermont Agency of