Mohammad Abdul Qader
University of Vermont
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Taif University (2021)
M.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Vermont (In Progress)
Preferred Career After Graduation:
Continue education for Ph.D.
Broad Research Area:
Infrastructure systems, intelligent transportation systems, traffic engineering, and materials
Specific Research Area:
Civil and environmental engineering materials
Other Interests & Activities:
Reading books on history and poetry
Top Accomplishment in 2022:
Publishing his first research article: Mohammed Abdul Qader, Ahmed Ibrahim, Al-Badr Alaidaros, Abdul Kareem Abdulkareem, Abdullah Alwuayl, Abdullah Alsaluli, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Mishal Alsehli, Saleh Alghamdi* (2022) “Investigating Trends and Costs Associated with Designing Concrete Mixes using Different Methods by Computer Programs”, Advances in Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/2526833
Student Bio:
Mohammad Abdul Qader is a graduate student in the Civil and Environmental engineering department at the University of Vermont; he got his undergraduate degree in civil engineering from Taif University in Saudi Arabia in 2021. He is interested in structural materials, and his research is about shrinking fibers to increase concrete strength and durability. He uses the Chitosan fibers that shrink in a high pH medium, perfectly concrete.

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